Monday, October 29, 2012

 Book Title: The Underground Railroad  
By : Ann Heinrichs
Number of pages :  41
Summary: It wasn't the a real road so it didn’t have tricks or cars or train. It just was a journey for thousand of people looking for freedom. It was a secret network of people who  operated in the dark night to escape from slavery in the Southern state. The leader for the escape are called conductors who offered the safe ways, food,clothe and station houses.It was dangers work who ever caught could be bitten by dogs or faced time in jail. there are two way slaves took from the Southern states. By land or sea. This story began between 1830 and 1860 but the slaves in US began from the colonists time in 1500s. Southern state of US used to use slaves to plant the farm and product the crops.The Underground Railroad finished by President Abraham Lincoln after the Civil War in Jan 1,1863.

Reaction: It was very hard to listen for this kind of historical action or to imagine how the world was. We have some black point in our history we have to study it and take lessen from and avoid our mistake. Slaves was a bad memory for any one to think in but it  harder for slaves.There are a lot of strange story told us about the way slavers used to escape and what happened for them while they was escaping.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

By :Judith Josephson
No of Pages :47

Summary :Sitting Bull he was a leader for the group of native American names Lakota Sioux. They lived in North America. Also, there are another large band of Native Americans names Oglala. There leader was Crazy Horse's. All these groups  lived in Montana, Wyoming,Dakota and Nebraska. This two  groups discover place named Black Hills have huge amount of gold. Therefor U.S government try to take that place by power but the Native Americans Band reviews to gave hem up their places. So U.S government decide to attacked them. The Great Sioux War began in June 25 1876 in Battle of Little Bighorn. 268 U.S soldiers died.

Reaction : After read that book which told us about part of Native American live and war, so I can see how our live is hard . The people who have power always want every thing for them. They want to occupy other people place, property and their live too. This our live rule the survival of the fittest. While Native American live in their land in peace life other people attacked them and take their place, property and their live too. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Books name:The Adventures of Spider. 
Author: Joyce Cooper Arkhurst. 
Number of pages : 58 pages.

SUMMARYThe author began monition that the spider similar some people in their personality and began to describe it. Also he wrote about storyteller who tell all this story. The storyteller told us about the spider in the forest has wife and two son's. The spider has many situation in the story for every time the storyteller told a story he tried to describe some characteristic of spider. First story, about how the spider take this shape of his fat head and body while his waist is thin. second story, about the spider and how he smarter than Leopard. Third story, told us way the spider has bald head to this day and what happened with the his mother-in-law's rice farm. Finally, his story with fisherman and how he try to play a trick on the fisherman. 

REACTIONThe author began his story by tell us a character of the storytelling and this is a very nice idea to make you more attention with the story. He said some character in spider it similar some people in many case or situation. Some people has pad or good thing in some animal or insect so we compare them with that thing. Every person has some thing god and some thing bad in his personality so that whine we want friends we have to be more patient with people.